all postcodes in NE12 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE12 6AF 0 55.035023 -1.551057
NE12 6AG 0 55.035395 -1.551992
NE12 6AW 0 55.035349 -1.55423
NE12 6AZ 0 55.034324 -1.55166
NE12 6BG 0 55.031492 -1.55881
NE12 6BJ 0 55.032307 -1.562884
NE12 6BL 2 55.032326 -1.561115
NE12 6BN 0 55.032808 -1.5623
NE12 6BP 0 55.031918 -1.555049
NE12 6BQ 1 55.034596 -1.547495
NE12 6BS 0 55.031193 -1.558015
NE12 6BT 0 55.032281 -1.560647
NE12 6BU 0 55.032685 -1.560658
NE12 6BW 0 55.034776 -1.552531
NE12 6BX 0 55.033791 -1.563212
NE12 6BY 0 55.034089 -1.563725
NE12 6BZ 0 55.034503 -1.564251
NE12 6DA 0 55.034796 -1.56281
NE12 6DB 0 55.034881 -1.563951
NE12 6DD 0 55.034525 -1.564941